Offer Creation
You don’t need to be a great marketer to sell a Ferrari for $2,000.
Make an offer that makes people feel stupid for not taking it!
Unfortunately, Most companies don't know their market, customers or competitors well enough to position their offer as a no-brainer.
- The secret to sales: Make people an offer so good they would feel stupid saying no.
- List potential objections and problems customers might have and address them.
- People pay for certainty, speed and ease.
A great offer is something you present to the marketplace that cannot be compared to any other product or service available, combining an attractive promotion, an unmatchable value proposition, a premium price, and an unbeatable guarantee with a money model (payment terms) that allows you to get paid to get new customers . . . forever removing the cash constraint on business growth.
The key is to position your product as in a category of its own.
That way you compete on value, rather than on price.
When the prospect cannot compare your value offer with anything else, you make the price.
Competing on value is the only way to make lots of money because price competitions are races to the bottom that eat all your margin away and leave you barely surviving.
To compete on value make your offer so different that you never have to explain why your product is different.
Components of the offer
Most of the following was stripped from a lot of the learnings of ALex Hormozi -
- Finding the right market
- Niche Down (Niche Down Framework HERE)
- Pricing
- Value equation
- Making it a "no-brainer"
- Scarcity and urgency
- Bonuses
- Guarantees
If you or your sales team is struggling to CONVERT or it takes too long then normally adjusting your offer and communicating your offer is the highest leverage thing you can do.
The OFFER is normally the most important thing to ensure sales success.
- You don’t need great marketing if you’re selling a Ferrari for $2,000
- How do you make your offer make people feel stupid for not taking it?
If you only compete on price, you’re competing against a much larger pool of players. And chances are, the prospect will choose the cheaper option because that’s the only differentiator.
A typical offer would look something like this:
Pretty normal offer right? A million other people can do the same thing.
Here’s that same offer restructured:
Advertising agency:`
Pay one time. (No recurring fee. No retainer.) Just cover ad spend. I’ll generate leads and work your leads for you. And only pay me if people show up. And I’ll guarantee you get 20 people in your first month, or you get your next month free. I’ll also provide all the best practices from the other businesses like yours.
Your Leads-on-Tap SEO Partner
We'll turn your website into an asset that generates non-stop leads for your business using SEO. Every day when your team sits down at work, there will be a stream of leads waiting for them to convert into customers. The bets part is we only get paid when you get results. No bulky retainers, no recurring fee's. When your CRM starts filling up with leads - that's when we get paid.
As soon as you sign up, you'll get:
>> A custom SEO strategy designed specifically for your business
>> A list of actionable steps from a full site audit to improve your technical performance20 low-hanging-fruit keywords that will increase your traffic fast
>> 3 backlinks delivered within 14 days.
>> A set of SOPs built by industry experts that your team can use to help them deliver content that ranks, and maintain your current website performance
Because we position ourselves as your SEO partner (not an agency!!), we only have bandwidth to service so many clients. We have 3 slots available for the month of July.
“Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.”
- Warren Buffet
When someone perceives the value dipping lower than the price, they stop buying.
You have two options.
- Decrease price
- Increase value
Avoid lowering prices to improve the price-value gap because you will fall into a vicious cycle, and your business will lose money and impact.
ALWAYS look to increase the value where you can.
- is to give them a discount on the VALUE they are getting.
- Go the 10X rule. Whatever you charge - provide 10x worth of perceived value!
Don't do what most people do:
- Look at the market price
- See what everyone else offers
- Take the average
- Go slightly “lower” to remain “competitive”
- Provide what their direct competitors are doing but a “little more”
- End up with a value proposition of “more for less”
Increasing your value equation
Your offer is NOT converting simply because it is NOT valuable enough!
Four easy ways to increase your perceived value:
- INCREASE Dream outcome
- Can you get your clients to dream bigger than the rest of your competition?
- The more you can clearly articulate this - the more value you have
- INCREASE The perceived likelihood of achievement (reduce the perceived risk)
Eg. Would you rather a first-year graduate perform your surgery or a 30-year-old seasoned veteran? - DECREASE: Time delay
How long will it take them to see the final results? Progress? - Decrease: Effort and sacrifice
How do you make it as seamless as possible?
Create Your Offer Components
Step #1: Identify the dream outcome (they might not even know themselves)
"X" Specific outcome in "Y" Time period without "Z" (biggest pain point/fear)
EG. Most men who go to the gym say they want to be healthier BUT in actual fact they just want to get a six-pack so they can have more confidence with women
Example for a health and fitness coach: Switching from selling gym memberships to outcomes.
- Lose 20lbs in 6 weeks.
- Big dream outcome – lose 20lbs.
- With a decreased time delay – 6 weeks.
Step #2: List out all perceived problems
(This positions you in a way where you are the only one in the market who can truly articulate the problems they are facing)
- List out ALL intricate steps they’re going to have to do or take to see success on their way to there goal
- ❏ Every intricate step
- ❏ Everything that happens before and after achieving their goals
- ❏ What next problem will they face
- ❏ How can we make it worth it?
- ❏ How can we make it easier?
- ❏ How can we make it faster?
- ❏ How can we make it enjoyable, sustainable, and something they believe they can do?
Write down all the things people struggle with and their limiting thoughts around them.
Think about it in insane detail. If you do, you will create a more valuable and compelling offer as you’ll continually be answering people’s next problem as it manifests..
In a weight loss case, the problems are:
- Buying healthy food, grocery shopping
- Buying healthy food is hard, confusing, and I won’t like it
- Buying healthy food will take too much time
- Buying healthy food is expensive
- I will not be able to cook healthy food forever. My family’s needs will get in my way. If I travel I won’t know what to get.
- Cooking healthy food
- Cooking healthy food is hard and confusing. I won’t like it, and I will suck at it.
- Cooking healthy food will take too much time
- Cooking healthy food is expensive. It’s not worth it.
- I will not be able to buy healthy food forever. My family’s needs will get in my way. If I travel I won’t know how to cook healthy.
- Eating healthy food
- Exercise regularly
- …
Step #3: Turn all problems into a solutions list
List out every possible solution to the problems
For example, in the weight loss space the problems related to “buying healthy food, grocery shopping” turn into:
- . . . is hard, confusing, I won’t like it. I will suck at it→ How to make buying healthy food easy and enjoyable, so that anyone can do it (especially busy moms!)
- . . . takes too much time→ How to buy healthy food quickly
- . . . is expensive→ How to buy healthy food for less than your current grocery bill
- . . . is unsustainable→ How to make buying healthy food take less effort than buying unhealthy food
- . . . is not my priority. My family’s needs will get in my way→ How to buy healthy food for you and your family at the same time
- . . . is undoable if I travel; I won’t know what to get→ How to get healthy food when traveling
Step #4 Create Your Solutions Delivery Vehicles (“The How”)
This is what you’re going to deliver.
It’s the product, the meat of your offer, and you must make it good.
To begin with, think about all the things you could do to solve each of the problems you’ve identified.
In original example of weight loss, some solutions to buying healthy food if he wanted to deliver the service 1:1 would be:
- In-person grocery shopping, where I take clients to the store and teach them how to shop
- Personalized grocery list, where I teach them how to make their list
- Full-service shopping, where I buy their food for them. We’re talking 100 percent done for them.
- In-person orientation (not at the store), where I teach them what to get
- Text support while shopping, where I help them if they get stuck
- Phone call while grocery shopping, where I plan to call when they go shopping to provide direction and support
You then need to start fleshing out your solutions to later see what makes the most sense and what’s the easiest and most profitable to deliver.
Understand these questions
- What level of personal attention do I want to provide? one-on-one, small group, one to many
- What level of effort is expected from them? Do it themselves (DIY) – figure out how to do it on their own; do it with them (DWY) – you teach them how to do it; done for them (DFY) – you do it for them
- If doing something live, what environment or medium do I want to deliver it in? In-person, phone support, email support, text support, Zoom support, chat support
- If doing a recording, how do I want them to consume it? Audio, video, or written.
- How quickly do we want to reply? On what days? during what hours? 24/7. 9-5, within 5 minutes, within an hour, within 24 hrs?
- 10x to 1/10th test. If my customers paid me 10x my price (or $100,000) what would I provide? If they paid me 1/10th the price and I had to make my product more valuable than it already is, how would I do that? How could I still make them successful for 1/10th price? Stretch your mind in either direction and you’ll come up with widely different solutions.
Step #5: Trim & Stack:
Prioritize the solutions based on value & cost. You should have multiple pieces you are stacking together to make the offer more compelling.
“The Meat & Potatoes” of the Offer
Rank all the things you offer in terms of VALUE and COST (money and time) to you
Now you want to:
- Look at the cost of providing these solutions to you (the business)
- Remove the ones that are high cost and low value first
- Remove low-cost, low-value solutions
- Keep the ones that are:
- low cost, high value
- high cost, high value
Step #5b: Put all the bundles together into the ultimate high-value deliverable
Let’s now put everything together.
Let’s review the offer for the example of “losing weight”, presented with this format: Problem → Solution Wording→ Sexier Name for Bundle → delivery vehicle (what we’re actually gonna do for them/provide)
Buying food→ How anyone can buy food fast, easy, cheaply → Foolproof Bargain Grocery System . . . that’ll save hundreds of dollars per month on your food and take less time than your current shopping routine ($1,000 value for the money it’ll save you from this point on in your life)
1-on-1 Nutrition Orientation where I explain how to use…
- Recorded grocery tour
- DIY Grocery Calculator
- Each plan comes with it’s own list for each week
- Bargain grocery shopping training
- Grocery Buddy System
- Pre-made insta-cart grocery carts for delivery
- And a check-in via text weekly.
Cooking→ Ready in 5min Busy Parent Cooking Guide . . . how anyone can eat healthy even if they have no time ($600 value from getting 200 hours per year back — that’s four weeks of work!)
1-on-1 Nutrition Orientation where I explain how to use…
- Meal Prep Instructions
- DIY Meal Prep Calculator
- Each plan comes with it’s own meal prep instructions for each week
- Meal prep buddy system
- Healthy snacks in under 5min guide
- A weekly post they make to tag me for feedback
Eating→ Personalized Lick Your Fingers Good Meal Plan . . . so good it’ll be easier to follow than eating what you used to “cheat” with and cost less! ($500 value)
1-on-1 Nutrition Orientation where I explain how to use…
- Personalized Meal Plan
- 5min Morning shake guide
- 5min Budget Lunches
- 5min Budget Dinners
- Family size meals
- A daily picture of their meals
- 1-on-1 feedback meeting to make adjustments to their plan (which is actually an upsell)
And then for the other problems:
Exercise→ Fat Burning Workouts Proven To Burn More Fat Than Doing It Alone . . . adjusted to your needs so you never go too fast, plateau, or risk injury ($699 value)
Traveling→ The Ultimate Tone Up While You Travel Eating & Workout Blueprint . . . for getting amazing workouts in with no equipment so you don’t feel guilty enjoying yourself ($199 value)
How to actually stick with it→ The “Never Fall Off” Accountability System . . . the unbeatable system that works without your permission (it’s even gotten people who hate coming to the gym to look forward to showing up) ($1000 value)
How To Be Social→ The ‘Live It Up While Slimming Down” Eating Out System that will give you the freedom to eat out and live life without feeling like the “odd man out” ($349 value)
Total value: $4,351 (!) All for only $599.
Compare this offer now to a mediocre “gym membership”.
This bundle does 3 things:
- Solves all the perceived problems (not just some)
- Gives you the conviction that what you’re selling is one of a kind (very important)
- Makes it impossible to compare or confuse your business or offering with the one down the street
Four types of guarantees
- You dont get X result in Y time you get a refund
- No Questions Ask
- Conditional Guarantees:
- Service Guarantee (keep working w them for free
- Modified Service Guarantee (keep working for double the time free)
- Credit Based Guarantee (give them credit towards other programs)
- Personal Service guarantee (you will help them 1-1 until they reach it)
- Release of Commitment (they do not have to stay intheir contract)
- Delayed Second Payment (You won’t bill them again until after they make or get their first outcome)
- Anti-Guarantees:
- All sales are final, best for exploding opportunity and high level services.
- EG. “Once you are accepted you will have unparalleled access to investors and 1:1’s with them.”
- This is great when the value proposition is guaranteed easily and you can advertise “why” there are no guarantees.
- This is great when the value proposition is guaranteed easily and you can advertise “why” there are no guarantees.
- Implied Guarantees
- Performance: A) ...Only pay me $XXX per sale/ $XXX per show B) $XX per Lb Lost
- Revshare: A) 10% of top line revenue B) 20% profitshare C) 25% of revenue growth from baseline
- Profit-Share: A)X% of profit B) X% of Gross Profit
Scarcity and urgency
Add Scarcity: ________________________________________
❏ Only accepting X Clients (single number cap for business)
❏ Only accepting X clients per week (cap on per week basis)
❏ Only accepting X clients per “class”
Add Urgency:________________________________________
❏ Cohort Based (the next group starts next week)
❏ Rolling Seasonal Urgency (the end of our spring promois around the corner)
❏ Pricing/Bonus Based Urgency (these bonuses are going away)
❏ Exploding Opportunity (you can wait, but the opportunity gets smaller every second)
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